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Contact us 410-541-6DUI (384) Email us info@gklinelaw.com For nearly two decades, I have been representing individuals and businesses in courts throughout Maryland. I have helped my clients with a wide variety of legal matters.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Recent Changes in Maryland’s DUI/DWI Laws

  Maryland has recently enacted significant changes to its drunk driving laws which will have a major impact on those charged with alcohol related driving offenses. As of October 1, 2024, two major legislative updates have come into effect:

Expansion of Ignition Interlock Requirements

When the Maryland General Assembly passed "Noah's Law" they mandated ignition interlock devices—breathalyzer systems connected to a vehicle's ignition—for certain DUI offenders. This requirement in criminal cases did not apply to individuals who received probation before judgment (PBJ) . A recent change now mandates all individuals convicted of alcohol-related driving offenses, including those granted PBJ, to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicles. This measure ensures that even first-time offenders under probation are subject to stricter monitoring, thereby enhancing public safety.

While this change affects the criminal side of an alcohol-related driving offense, the MVA and the applicable regulations have required ignition interlock in order to avoid a lengthy suspension. The change in the criminal law now makes the decision whether to accept ignition interlock for a year or accept a lengthy suspension, often less than a year, academic as ignition interlock is going to be mandated in every case.

Our office has more details on this issue and on the most cost-effective ways to get and maintain an ignition interlock system.

Eligibility for Expungement of DUI Records

In a major change in Maryland law, the state now allows individuals to expunge DUI records under specific conditions. Offenders who received a PBJ for driving under the influence of alcohol can petition for expungement 15 years after completing their probation. It's important to note that this provision applies solely to alcohol-related offenses and excludes cases involving controlled substances or subsequent offenses.

This is a critical change that affects many DUI/DWI defendants concerned about background checks, public records of prior incidents, professional licensure, and other related issues. In the past, they were stuck with a publicly available record, even if it was not technically a conviction under Maryland law, that may affect their ability to earn a living. Now there is relief for those who successfully complete a PBJ sentence and demonstrate that they do not deserve to have a record of past illegal conduct.

If you have a question about expungement, contact our office today at 410-541-6DUI (384) or by email at info@gklinelaw.com.

Navigating the complexities of Maryland's evolving DUI laws requires knowledgeable legal guidance. If you or a loved one is facing DUI charges, it's crucial to consult with an attorney who is well-versed in the latest statutory and regulatory changes.

With nearly thirty years of experience, the Law Office of Gregory M. Kline, LLC, remains committed to providing informed and effective representation to protect your rights and future.

Stay Informed

For more insights and updates on DUI laws in Anne Arundel County and throughout Maryland, visit the Anne Arundel DUI Blog. Staying informed empowers you to make better decisions and understand the legal landscape more clearly.


Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For personalized legal counsel, please contact our office directly.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

 Our address has changed slightly. Our office is still located at

517 Benfield Road
Suite 101B
Severna Park, MD 21146
Our mailing address has changed to:
574-F Ritchie Highway
PMB # 159
Severna Park, MD 21146
All our other contact information remains the same.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Our Comprehensive Legal Guide to DUI in Maryland

For your convenience, we have combined some of our best advice to the most commonly asked questions in one legal guide.  As always, you can call us at 410-541-6DUI for answers and advice.

The Fifth Amendment Still Exists Even When You Get Pulled Over for DUI

One issue I consistently see in my DUI practice is clients not knowing their rights when they are pulled over.  Most people who are arrested for drunken driving have never committed a crime or been arrested and are otherwise law-abiding citizens with little or no contact with the police or the criminal justice system.

As such, when an officer pulls them over and asks them "Have you been drinking?" they dutifully answer the question.  Often, they say they had "a couple of beers" or a "couple of drinks".  I have seen similar statements in practically every police report I have read as part of a DUI arrest.  Sometimes the statement is true and sometimes the driver is trying to downplay his alcohol consumption.

In every case, this statement was used against the driver to prove they consumed alcohol before they operated a motor vehicle.  It was also used to justify the officer's decision to arrest the driver and give them a formal breathalyzer test.

Even though no officer will ever say it, you do not have to answer their question "Have you been drinking?"  The Fifth Amendment still exists.

I recommend that a driver politely say "Respectfully, officer, on the advice of counsel I refuse to answer that question."  Some think that saying this will increase the chances they will be arrested but I disagree.

Admitting to drinking, even a "couple of beers" absolutely will increase your chances of being arrested and make the job of convicting you of DUI much easier.

So please remember that an officer cannot force you to testify against yourself even if you are driving a car.

Now, this is different from whether the take the breathalyzer test, which I will discuss below.  The MVA will take administrative action against you if you refuse to take this test and the officer must advise you of this before you make any decision.  At this point, you have the right to consult an attorney and you should attempt to do so.

To Blow or Not To Blow

One of the most common questions I get as a DUI lawyer is whether someone should take the breathalyzer test when arrested for drunken driving. In this post, I will discuss the pros and cons of this decision and provide what general advice I can. Changes in the law, however, make this decision much more complicated and really require that you contact an attorney immediately when you are arrested and before you actually choose whether to blow or not to blow.

You have the right to counsel at this critical juncture and you should take advantage of it. You can call our office at 410-541-6DUI (384) 24 hours a day and speak directly with me. Keep this information handy in case you need it.

Maryland is an "implied consent" state. This means that by having a driver's license you are consenting to breathalyzer testing whenever an officer has reasonable grounds to believe you are operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. While you have a Fifth Amendment right to refuse the breathalyzer test, you will receive a more severe administrative sanction if you refuse the test. In addition, the prosecutor may seek a more severe criminal sanction (TR 27-101) for refusing the breathalyzer test.

If you consent to the breathalyzer test and have a blood alcohol reading between .08 and .15 your license will be suspended for 45 days (on a first offense). This suspension may be modified to allow you to drive for limited purposes such as driving to work, school or alcohol treatment. If you refuse the test or if you take the test and have a reading of .15 or more your license will be suspended for 120 days and may only be modified if you agree to ignition interlock in your car for at least one year (again for a first offense).

Now, before the law was changed to treat those whose blood alcohol level of .15 or higher the same as those who refused the test, I advised first time offenders to take the test as the administrative sanction for refusal was likely to be worse than the likely sentence in a criminal case. Unfortunately, if you take the test and blow .15 or over you lose both on the criminal side and the administrative side.

The advantage of refusing the test is that the State's Attorney will have one less piece of evidence to convict you in court. As we discussed a prior post, the purpose of an officer's asking you if you have been drinking, giving you field side sobriety tests, etc. is to build the case against you. The Fifth Amendment gives you the right to refuse to incriminate yourself whether it is to refuse to answer the question if you have been drinking and to refuse any tests that will be used against you in a court of law. The breathalyzer test result is the most critical piece of evidence used in court and without it the job of convicting you on the most serious alcohol related charges is much more difficult.

The bottom line is this. For most first time offenders, the administrative sanction of refusing to take the breathalyzer is still worse than the likely criminal sanction unless of course your BAC is .15 or higher and then it is the worst of both worlds. There is no way to know what your blood alcohol level is short of taking some test and if you have been drinking your judgment in figuring how drunk you are is impaired.

That is why it is so important to contact an attorney for sober, thoughtful analysis and advice. If the police refuse to allow you to contact an attorney, that may be used to prevent the MVA from taking action against you.

The Most Important Thing to Do After You Have Been Arrested for Drunk Driving

We have covered some issues involved during a drunken driving arrest.  But now let’s discuss what you need to do after you have been arrested.

So it is the next day.  You may need to get your car out of impound and you have a legal mess facing you.  Of course, the very first thing you should do is contact an attorney and begin the process of dealing with the charges you face.

You can contact me at anytime by calling 410-541-6DUI (384) or emailing info@annearundeldui.com 

In Maryland, drunken driving charges have two separate tracks, a criminal track, where you can face jail time or probation, and an administrative track, where your privilege to drive is at risk.

If you are a Maryland driver you should receive, as part of the many documents given to you by law enforcement, a temporary license and a request for hearing form. It is critical that you complete this request form and return it to the Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings along with a check for $125 made payable to the "Maryland State Treasurer".

Under Maryland law, your privilege to drive will be automatically suspended on the 46th day after your arrest unless you request a hearing within 10 days of your arrest.  So completing this request is the most important thing you need to do after being arrested on drunken driving charges. With a timely request, you can continue to drive normally until the date of your hearing.

You may request a hearing up to 30 days after your arrest. However, if your request is made more than 10 days after your arrest your license will still be automatically suspended on the 46th day after your arrest.

You do want to have a hearing.  At a hearing, you can challenge the evidence against you and possibly convince the hearing judge to take "no action" against your license.  Even if you fail to do this, you can have the suspension modified in order to allow you to drive, under certain conditions. If you do nothing, your license will be suspended automatically.

Another point on the request.  Send your request, with your check in some form that can be tracked and that will allow you to confirm it has been received (such as certified mail, FedEx, UPS).  While your request may be sent by regular mail if it is not received, the Office of Administrative Hearings will take the position that you never sent it (I have had clients where this has happened and you do not want to have it happen to you.)

So, the first thing you do after getting arrest and contacting an attorney is to properly request an administrative hearing.

Another Reason Not to Get a DUI

I know you really do not need another reason not to get a DUI.  Potential jail time, loss of driving privileges, mandatory alcohol treatment all seem good reasons to avoid getting arrested for drinking and driving.

There is another reason why you do not want to be convicted an alcohol related driving offense.  You can never expunge it from your record.

In Maryland, the statute that provides for expungement of criminal records (Md. Ann. Code, Crim. Proc. 10-105) expressly excludes a drunken driving charge ("a violation of 21-902 of the Transportation Article") from being expunged. This means that even a probation before judgment (PBJ) for drunk driving can never be removed from your permanent criminal record.

The reason for this is that a defendant may not get two PBJ's within a ten year period and the State needs to keep records in order to enforce this statute.  However, even if ten or more years has passed you still cannot obtain an expungement.

Bottom line, a drunken driving related charge is always going to stay with you. Another reason not to get a DUI.

If you have questions about expungement or other matters, please give us a call at 410-541-6DUI (384)

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thank you for a great ten years!

 Today, we officially celebrate the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Law Office of Gregory M. Kline, LLC!

Thank you to all of the friends, family, and most importantly clients that have helped us become such a success! We literally could not do it without you.
When we get past our current unpleasantness, we can all get together to celebrate properly but for now, let me thank you and promise you that our office will be available to help you with all your legal needs for the next decade just have we have for the last one.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Maryland gets tough on repeat drunk driving offenders

As we reported earlier in the year, Maryland has sought tougher penalties against those charged with multiple alcohol related driving offenses. Passed during the 2019 General Assembly session, and effective on October 1, 2019, the Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act, increases penalties for those charged not only with drunk driving but drugged driving as well.

Among other penalties, the act increases the maximum jail time for those convicted of vehicular homicide while under the influence from three to five years.  The law now also doubles prison time from five to ten years for drivers with prior convictions.

The new law also includes heavier punishments for impaired drivers convicted of traveling with minors in the car with one year in jail for the first offense and two years for a second offense.

With criminal penalties getting tougher, it is vital that you contact an experienced defense attorney immediately if you are arrested for an alcohol related driving offense.

We have over twenty years of experience representing those charged with drunk driving. Call us today at 410-541-6DUI.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

New Law Requires Ignition Interlock Machines to Have Cameras

Effective October 1, Maryland law now requires that drivers required to obtain an ignition interlock have a device equipped with a camera that takes still pictures.

From the Maryland Vehicle Administration:

The camera will capture a still image of the person taking a breath test (it will not record sound or video) at these times:

• When a breath sample is collected when the vehicle is started; 
• When a breath sample is collected during a rolling retest; and 
• If tampering is detected. 

Participants will receive instructions from their Service Provider on how to use the device when it is installed. Images captured by ignition interlock devices will be used by MDOT MVA to ensure program participants comply with program requirements. It is a violation of Maryland law for any person to provide a breath sample for a program participant in order to circumvent an ignition-interlock device

With Maryland expanding the requirements for ignition interlock in DUI/DWI cases, it is imperative that those facing such charges obtain the right equipment. 

If you have any questions, give us a call today at 410-541-6DUI.

Thursday, February 21, 2019